Tuesday, January 7, 2014



"The spirit of enterprise is the currency for thriving entrepreneurs"
I believe sincerely that there is a spiritual component inherent in entrepreneurism - a belief system that by passes our conscious mind. (Remember the conscious mind is the reasoning mind - the intellectual mind). It is possible to be so possessed with this spirit that sometimes people around you are not able to comprehend; the season is that in most instances the entrepreneur is operating from the subconscious level - that is the part of the mind that believes that everything is possible.

                                                       The Spirit of Enterprise
What is the spirit of enterprise? It is an illusive quality that cannot be quantified, but it is easily identified in an individual. The spirit of enterprise is characterized by optimism. The individual entrepreneur is so possessed by his vision of what is possible and a mission so electrifying that he refuses to see the obstacles. He sees a setback or discouragement as a temporary inconvenience designed to help him look at other alternatives to achieve his dream. The individual entrepreneur could be so possessed that it is possible for him to ignore his surroundings to the pursuit of his entrepreneur dream.

Here Are The 4 components:
Faith and Vision:
Faith is the spiritual force that commits the entrepreneur to his vision: Believing in your idea when most people would dismiss the idea as stupid. The spirit of enterprise is believing in yourself and committing your whole resources of time and money when most people are skeptical. It takes a rare breed to stick to what you know will work although there is enormous risk.

Creating and Building :
Aching and daring to create and build, but with the odds overwhelming against. The spirit of enterprise is pervasive when you feel a pang of restlessness, a gnawing dissatisfaction and anxiety, yet you feel the need to throw your last dollar on an unproven venture - that is the spirit of enterprise.

Sources of Creativity:
The entrepreneur spirit the sources of creativity - creativity - the apogee of human spirit to spawn spontaneous that would give to the internet revolution that would change the way the world interacts with one another. What a phenomenal achievement of unprecedented proportions - because an entrepreneur dare to dream and create

The Role of Desire:

A desire so strong that entrepreneurs would go against conventional wisdom; a desire so strong that an entrepreneur would start his fledgling enterprise - a desire so strong that another entrepreneur would start his company from a college dormitory. To the entrepreneur, the spirit of enterprise is so strong that what he sees in his mind's eye is this; there is no adversity to anticipate, no risk to measure; In the entrepreneur's mind all the odds him are surmountable.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013



Despite the recent collapse of the real estate market and the attendant havoc it wrought on the US economy, real estate is still an IDEAL investment: Here is the acronym for IDEAL.

I- Income
D - Depreciation
E- Equity
A- Appreciation
L- leverage

With the low level of real estate inventory, residential new construction has become the norm rather than  the exception. After years of virtual inactivity on the housing construction front, the pace of new construction has accelerated over the past 9 months.

As a Realtor, hardly a week passes by without being invited to a Realtor Luncheon. These luncheons are organized by Agents on behalf of builders to introduce their new products to Agents. These events are normally catered by some of the famous chefs in Atlanta.

I would encourage investors as well as buyers, especially move up buyers to consider new construction.
Here are the 10 Reasons Why:

1. The activity of the hedge fund companies in entering the rental  estate market has helped accelerate the increase in rental rates

2. With new construction, there is low maintenance on the rental property and they are normally guaranteed from one to ten years.

3. There is a huge pool of renters as a result of the dearth of inventory resulting in the increase of rental rates.

4. The tightened standards and the numerous federal policies has made it difficult for buyers to qualify for mortgages.

5. The current low mortgage rates makes investment properties very profitable

6. It is advisable to know your exit strategy - when to sell or exit out of your investment

7. Know how to harvest all the advantages inherent in investment property ownership

8. In this current market builders are giving out a lot of incentives for potential buyers.

Monday, November 11, 2013



Direct Sales really the greatest source of grass-roots capitalism because it teaches people how to take a small bit of capital, that is your time, and build the American dream." Jim Rohn - America's Business Philosopher

I have always advocated that we should have a side hustle in addition to working a regular 9-5 job. The current labor market is such that it would be foolish to depend solely on the paternal corporation.

The old model of going to school and getting your degree and going to work for the corporation for the rest of life is going out of the window. We have to think about new ways of generating income to fund our life style and build wealth.

I believe that Direct Selling is the most elementary way to go into business for yourself. This brilliant idea has been criticized as being a pyramid scheme. But in my opinion, Corporations are more pyramidal than network marketing companies.

The typical corporation out there is there mainly to extract as much money from the employee as it can. In a typical corporation, the workers at the bottom make the minimum wage while the people at the top could make millions a year. In corporations, the big money is made by those at the top of the ladder and hardly percolates to the bottom.

Here is what one of the leading corporate managers said about corporations. "The essence of corporate profitability, however is to keep taking in younger people at the lower levels and moving them up and very gradually improving their pay. The net result is to make the employee at some stage of his career, a captive of the corporation

The Direct Selling Options: The Ten Advantages

1. Low capital to get started,  low monthly overhead, no employees, no inventory to carry

2. Fair prices for their products or services

3. Focus is on points of distribution and duplication

4. Create leverage that allows you to get paid on the efforts of thousands

5. Work part time or full time - no cap on your earnings

6. You promote yourself - no corporate favoritism or discrimination - rewards are based on your efforts

7. Dynamic relationships that lasts a long time

8. You cannot be fired - you can quit on your own terms
9. Can create cash flow, build wealth and create residual income

10. You have infinite customers based on your efforts

US Direct Sale :
U.S. direct sales totaled $31.6 billion in 2012, a 5.9 percent year-over-year increase from $29.87 billion in 2011. In 2012, there were 15.9 million U.S. direct sellers, an increase from 15.6 million the prior 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

For Entrepreneurs Only: 10 Ways To Think Your Way Into Results And Riches-

For Entrepreneurs Only: 10 Ways To Think Your Way Into Results And Riches-

1. Start thinking again - the power of the mind - "what the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve". "Any idea that is held in the mind, that is emphasized, that is either feared or revered, will begin at once to cloth itself in the most convenient and appropriate form available." - Andrew Carnegie. Start with an idea!! An idea like a seed has a gestation period. If an idea is nurtured and cultivated it will grow and bear fruit.

2. Shift your paradigm  - What is a paradigm ? Multitudes of habits that has been ingrained in us over  a period of time - A fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions. Paradigms are very important in our lives and we have to understand them to enable us to move in the direction of our goals: Why do we spend so much time watching television? Why are we addicted to watching sports so much? If you decide to cut in half the amount of time you spend watching TV do you think it will make a different in your personal productivity? As Joel Barker said: " To ignore the power of paradigm to influence your judgment is to put yourself at risk when exploring" Always remember: "Nothing changes until our paradigm changes"

3. Affirm your beliefs - you have to make sure your subconscious mind believe in what you trying to do or it will reject your new programming - you have to affirm over and over again the new activities that you want to begin - It will not be easy for you to change just like that: It takes a change in paradigm through a series of affirmation  - Here are personal affirmation - "I spend time developing my writing skills"  - "I spend quality time with my family" - "I spend 30 minutes a day making calls to clients -

4. Find a mentor - find somebody who is doing what you want to do and learn from them and imitate them - such mentors can be find in books - CD- podcast or in person - study under them and do what they tell you to do - I remember when I decided to be a an entrepreneur real estate investor I teamed up with a mentor through his booklets and conference calls I was able to develop and shift my mind set.

5. Tame your fears  - FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. Here is an affirmation: "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain".  Bene  Gesserit Litany Against Fear.

6. Manage activities not time - time block your activities -time management versus activity management. Schedule your day in blocks: Morning/Afternoon/Evening.

7. Dealing with Praxis - the power of praxis - the process by which a theory, a lesson, or skill is enacted, practiced, embodied or realized. You have to have the  will and the determination to translate your ideas into concrete action through a series that you undertake
8. There is a difference between knowing and doing - there is a lot of people in academia who have a lot a of knowledge about business, but have  not run a grocery store before. Why is it that somebody like Bill Gates could build Microsoft into the world's biggest companies without a college degree.

9. Go for No -- if you want to get results in your activities expect people to  say no - that is what we have been programmed to do - "Your fear of hearing the word no is the only thing standing between you and greatness" .Yes is the destination and no is how you get there - get rejected and get rich -
No does not mean never - No means not yet - No means we are making progress - No means we are  making progress.

10. You specialized specific knowledge  -  "KNOWLEDGE will not attract money, unless it is organized, and intelligently directed, through practical PLANS OF ACTION, to the DEFINITE END of accumulation of money. Lack of understanding of this fact has been the source of confusion to millions of people who falsely believe that "knowledge is power." It is nothing of the sort! Knowledge is only potential power. It becomes power only when, and if, it is organized into definite plans of action, and directed to a definite end" Napoleon Hill.

 Knowledge has to be translated into actionable activities - your mind thinks in specifics and pictures so you have to give the mind something specific to work with - that is why goal setting is important. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

7 Ways To Create Your Own Economy In The New Economy -

7 Ways To Create Your Own Economy In The New Economy -

"In the new economy, information, education, and motivation are everything." -- Bill Clinton.

Concept: To prosper and build wealth in this new economy you have to create your own economy, nurture and grow it.  The old notion of going to school and earning a ton of degrees and being saddled with debt is outdated. I believe the recipe for success in the current environment has changed. You cannot work for the paternal corporation for the rest of your life and be wealthy. It is just not going to happen. What should you do?

 Here are some ideas -

"To live our dream. we need a new money model"

"Wealthy people always had multiple source of income"

To create your own economy -
1. Join a dynamic network marketing company to create income and build wealth  - at least your will learn fundamentals of sales management, team building, teach and train people. These are skills that you need in your tool box. The interesting is that it requires very minimum investment.

2. Become a consultant in your area of expertise. What skills and talents do you have ? Build an enterprise around it and nurture it to grow.

3. Write a book on your area of expertise. I believe that anybody who is enterprising enough has a book inside of them. It requires discipline, but it is can be done. "What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve"

4. Start a small business - don't wait to get fired from your lovely job before you start thinking about starting a business. With modern technology you have a platform to at least start.

5. Learn how to buy money - buying money means learning how to invest in the stock market, bond investing, etc.,- in short learning how to make your money work for you. There are two ways to make money  a) people working and b)money working . To do this you just have to be studious enough to know how the capitalist system works - it is an investment biased system and you should not be ignorant of that fact. Learning to make your money work for you is the fastest way to grow your wealth.

6. Learn how to invest in real estate. Despite the recent turmoil in the real estate market, it is still the best IDEAL investment for the long haul. I stands for Income. D stands for Depreciation. E stands for Equity. A stands for Appreciation and L stands for Leverage.

7. Understand emerging markets and invest some of you money in these countries. Don't be myopic in your investment thinking and start looking at other sovereign nations in South America, Asia, Africa etc.,. In short become a citizen of the work and participate in the high returns that some of these portfolio yield. Barriers to overseas markets have fallen and so these are the best time to start exploring these markets.

Saturday, October 12, 2013



It is very understandable  that throughout history, all great teachers, philosophers and the prophets in the scripture have always stressed the importance of the mind and how thinking is the  hall mark of our very existence and survival.

1. Your Ideas and imagination: We should realize that there are two worlds: There is the visible world and the invisible world. Most people are very familiar with the visible world, but in reality everything tangible that we can see originated from the invisible world.
It is a common saying that you have to believe to achieve it.

"What the mind of man can achieve and believe, it can achieve!" Napoleon Hill

Remember that when you put your mind into something, you are on your way to achieving it. You can also train your mind to become successful in everything that we do, because that things that you do stem from the brain.

Your ideas and imagination are so powerful that it is  possible to actually see your enterprise, project, service, whatever it is in your mind's eye before it becomes your realty.

" We become what we think about" Earl Nightingale
"Watch your thoughts for they become words,
watch your words for they become actions,
watch your actions, for they become habits,
watch your habits for they become your character,
watch your character for it becomes your destiny"
—Ralph Waldo Emerson

2. Believe that what your imagine is possible - The old scripture says - Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen - I believe that entrepreneurship is a journey of faith. The entrepreneur is able to look into the future and bring into existence those things that he sees in his mind's eye. The faith it takes to bring that into existence is divine inspired. It is God breathed whether the entrepreneur believes in God or not.

You have to turn that belief into action through -

a) Affirmations  - What is an affirmation ? A declaration of something that is true.

b) Time Blocking - A method of assigning specific activity into a time frame.

c) Goal Setting  - That is specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and has a time frame.

d) Visualization - the technique of creating images in your mind that resembles actual experience

3. Go to work and Make it Happen - Don't make your ideas a pipe dream - It requires a disciplined activity. Hence it is possible to build a good health, a viable business and enterprise and come up with breakthrough technology. Go to work on your dream and build your enterprise, nurture and build your relations and enjoy the good life.

"You circumstances may be uncongenial, but they shall not long remain so if you but perceive an idea and strive to reach it. You cannot travel within and stand still without" James Allen

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Look Well Into The Matter - Start A Side Business Please!!!

Look Well Into The Matter - Start A Side Business Please!!!

I was speaking to a friend of mine today at church  and he told me that he has been fired from his job for insubordination.  I listened to the summary from my friend and I concluded that there is more to the story and that the company just wanted to fire him. To add insult to injury, they don't even want to pay his unemployment. He has been with the company for nine years. As a man of God, I prayed with him and encouraged him to look at other opportunities  and not rely solely on the paternal corporation.

Over the past six months, I have had family members and friends tell me similar stories about how they were fired from their job or lost their jobs for no apparent  reason. (Now think about this - why is it that the recession has ended and companies are still firing people?)

My question is when are you going to start a side hustle before you lose your job or get fired? It is very hard to start a side hustle after you lose your job. My recommendation is to start thinking about something  and just get something started!!

Always remember that America is a capitalistic country and the more we understand the system and realize that corporations are in business to make money and really don't care about you. It is about time you realize this. I am a very strong advocate of starting a side business. Just get something going!!

Please don't bury you head in the sand and pretend that everything is ok - it is not ok!!

Start looking at business opportunities and if one is presented to you don't just say no. Look into the business opportunity, make your due diligence  and make a decision.

Look well into the matter and make a decision to start something today.

A word to the wise is enough!!

"The simple believes everything,
 but the prudent gives thought to his steps". Proverb 14:15