Thursday, October 31, 2013

For Entrepreneurs Only: 10 Ways To Think Your Way Into Results And Riches-

For Entrepreneurs Only: 10 Ways To Think Your Way Into Results And Riches-

1. Start thinking again - the power of the mind - "what the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve". "Any idea that is held in the mind, that is emphasized, that is either feared or revered, will begin at once to cloth itself in the most convenient and appropriate form available." - Andrew Carnegie. Start with an idea!! An idea like a seed has a gestation period. If an idea is nurtured and cultivated it will grow and bear fruit.

2. Shift your paradigm  - What is a paradigm ? Multitudes of habits that has been ingrained in us over  a period of time - A fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions. Paradigms are very important in our lives and we have to understand them to enable us to move in the direction of our goals: Why do we spend so much time watching television? Why are we addicted to watching sports so much? If you decide to cut in half the amount of time you spend watching TV do you think it will make a different in your personal productivity? As Joel Barker said: " To ignore the power of paradigm to influence your judgment is to put yourself at risk when exploring" Always remember: "Nothing changes until our paradigm changes"

3. Affirm your beliefs - you have to make sure your subconscious mind believe in what you trying to do or it will reject your new programming - you have to affirm over and over again the new activities that you want to begin - It will not be easy for you to change just like that: It takes a change in paradigm through a series of affirmation  - Here are personal affirmation - "I spend time developing my writing skills"  - "I spend quality time with my family" - "I spend 30 minutes a day making calls to clients -

4. Find a mentor - find somebody who is doing what you want to do and learn from them and imitate them - such mentors can be find in books - CD- podcast or in person - study under them and do what they tell you to do - I remember when I decided to be a an entrepreneur real estate investor I teamed up with a mentor through his booklets and conference calls I was able to develop and shift my mind set.

5. Tame your fears  - FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. Here is an affirmation: "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain".  Bene  Gesserit Litany Against Fear.

6. Manage activities not time - time block your activities -time management versus activity management. Schedule your day in blocks: Morning/Afternoon/Evening.

7. Dealing with Praxis - the power of praxis - the process by which a theory, a lesson, or skill is enacted, practiced, embodied or realized. You have to have the  will and the determination to translate your ideas into concrete action through a series that you undertake
8. There is a difference between knowing and doing - there is a lot of people in academia who have a lot a of knowledge about business, but have  not run a grocery store before. Why is it that somebody like Bill Gates could build Microsoft into the world's biggest companies without a college degree.

9. Go for No -- if you want to get results in your activities expect people to  say no - that is what we have been programmed to do - "Your fear of hearing the word no is the only thing standing between you and greatness" .Yes is the destination and no is how you get there - get rejected and get rich -
No does not mean never - No means not yet - No means we are making progress - No means we are  making progress.

10. You specialized specific knowledge  -  "KNOWLEDGE will not attract money, unless it is organized, and intelligently directed, through practical PLANS OF ACTION, to the DEFINITE END of accumulation of money. Lack of understanding of this fact has been the source of confusion to millions of people who falsely believe that "knowledge is power." It is nothing of the sort! Knowledge is only potential power. It becomes power only when, and if, it is organized into definite plans of action, and directed to a definite end" Napoleon Hill.

 Knowledge has to be translated into actionable activities - your mind thinks in specifics and pictures so you have to give the mind something specific to work with - that is why goal setting is important. 

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