Monday, October 21, 2013

7 Ways To Create Your Own Economy In The New Economy -

7 Ways To Create Your Own Economy In The New Economy -

"In the new economy, information, education, and motivation are everything." -- Bill Clinton.

Concept: To prosper and build wealth in this new economy you have to create your own economy, nurture and grow it.  The old notion of going to school and earning a ton of degrees and being saddled with debt is outdated. I believe the recipe for success in the current environment has changed. You cannot work for the paternal corporation for the rest of your life and be wealthy. It is just not going to happen. What should you do?

 Here are some ideas -

"To live our dream. we need a new money model"

"Wealthy people always had multiple source of income"

To create your own economy -
1. Join a dynamic network marketing company to create income and build wealth  - at least your will learn fundamentals of sales management, team building, teach and train people. These are skills that you need in your tool box. The interesting is that it requires very minimum investment.

2. Become a consultant in your area of expertise. What skills and talents do you have ? Build an enterprise around it and nurture it to grow.

3. Write a book on your area of expertise. I believe that anybody who is enterprising enough has a book inside of them. It requires discipline, but it is can be done. "What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve"

4. Start a small business - don't wait to get fired from your lovely job before you start thinking about starting a business. With modern technology you have a platform to at least start.

5. Learn how to buy money - buying money means learning how to invest in the stock market, bond investing, etc.,- in short learning how to make your money work for you. There are two ways to make money  a) people working and b)money working . To do this you just have to be studious enough to know how the capitalist system works - it is an investment biased system and you should not be ignorant of that fact. Learning to make your money work for you is the fastest way to grow your wealth.

6. Learn how to invest in real estate. Despite the recent turmoil in the real estate market, it is still the best IDEAL investment for the long haul. I stands for Income. D stands for Depreciation. E stands for Equity. A stands for Appreciation and L stands for Leverage.

7. Understand emerging markets and invest some of you money in these countries. Don't be myopic in your investment thinking and start looking at other sovereign nations in South America, Asia, Africa etc.,. In short become a citizen of the work and participate in the high returns that some of these portfolio yield. Barriers to overseas markets have fallen and so these are the best time to start exploring these markets.

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