Wednesday, August 7, 2013



I believe that entrepreneurship is a journey of faith. The entrepreneur is able to look into the future and bring into existence those things that he sees in his mind's eye. The faith it takes to bring that into existence is divine inspired. It is God breathed whether the entrepreneur believes in God or not.

 I also believe that God's covenant of blessing is what motivates entrepreneurs to come up with revolutionary ideas, concepts, products, technological and medical breakthroughs that have catapulted mankind to the apogee of human civilization.

It is advisable, therefore, as an entrepreneur to understand the basic universal law that, God the creator of the universe, has put in place to help nurture, grow and expand our various enterprises and ventures.
Here are the Ten Universal Laws that I believe shape the entrepreneur's future and experiences.

1. The Law of Use - We have been given unique talents and gifts. The more we practice and use the talents and gifts the more proficient we will become. The summary is what we don't use we lose. It does not matter what the gifts that we have. This is a universal law and we have to use it to our advantage.

2. The Law of Reciprocity - This law  I believe touches on the life of the entrepreneur in a profound way. The entrepreneur life is build around service to his customers. "Give and it will be given to you". Because he developed a superior product or has an excellent service, the customers will return the favor.

3. The Law of Abundance - There is an unlimited supply of resources in the world. We are commanded to be fruitful and multiply. The application is that there is an abundance of riches and wealth and it is the responsibility of the entrepreneur to tap into the unlimited supply of resources. The law of abundance says we cannot limit our infinite God.

4. The Law of Expectation - Let me reiterate again that  I believe that entrepreneurship is a journey of faith. The entrepreneur is able to look into the future and bring into existence those things that he sees in his mind's eye. The faith it takes to bring that into existence is divine inspired. It is God breathed whether the entrepreneur believes in God or not. The law of expectation; believing that what you bring into the market place will succeed.

5. The Law of exponential growth - Inherent in the growth of an enterprise is the fact that enterprise could double its income and expansion over a period of time. ..."and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the seashore..

6. The Law of fidelity - What is fidelity? The quality or state of being faithful. "Whosoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much". As entrepreneurs when we start an enterprise, we should expect the venture to grow if we manage it well and take responsibility for the success of the enterprise.

7. The Law of Momentum - An unseen force that we conjure up at the start of an enterprise or a venture. It is an essential tool kit of the entrepreneur. When you start a project, it seems like things are stagnant. Let us say you want to get leads  -you have to make calls, set up twitter, face book accounts etc., by doing this you have set a process in motion. You have to continue these fundamentals to get going. And all of a sudden, the embers that you are stroking catches fire. You have to be able to harness the momentum as it propels the growth of the enterprise. "First you build the wave and then you ride it".

8.The Law of creation - As entrepreneurs we create enterprises, build businesses and come up with breakthrough  medical and scientific technologies. It is a universal principle outlined by God, our creator, to create, explore, build, nurture. Imagine what the world would be like if there was no law of creation.

9. The Law of Perseverance - Dripping water hollows out stone, not through force but through persistence.” To arrive at our destination we have to pursue our mission with everything within us. It is within us to be committed, patience and laborious. We are commanded "to keep asking, keep seeking and keep knocking".

10. The Law of Change - Entrepreneurs should be in the forefront of change as the leading risk takers. The typical entrepreneur takes risk to make things happen hence there is always a whirlwind surrounding him. The ability to recognize that change ushers in freshness - the excitement to create the breakthrough technology and advance the frontiers of science is remarkable,. Concrete new businesses that did not exist before is now the footprint of the entrepreneur and he uses it to advance the well being of humanity.

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