Thursday, August 15, 2013



Entrepreneurs are the pillars of economic growth and development in a capitalistic society.
I tip my hat to all entrepreneurs who are building businesses to promote the pillars of growth

1. A level of street smarts - that you acquire by being involved in everyday rudimentary tasks of entrepreneurship  and business practices - business as an art or science is boring and you have to be able to maintain the repetitive tasks and discipline required to get you going - for example, you want to raise capital - you should be disciplined to call or talk to a number of people per day.

2. Income and Wealth -The ability to know the difference between income and wealth -It is possible to have a higher  income and not be wealthy - Always remember that building wealth does not require a large income, however, it requires a  mindset that is disciplined and a long term perspective.

3. Wealth Building - The ability to achieve the wealth building mentality and have a balance in all areas of your life -  spiritually, physically, financially, emotionally and your relationship

4. Social Responsibility -The ability to know that you have a conscious and social responsibility to be a good citizen in your entrepreneurship, investment and business dealings

5. A No Quitting Attitude - An attitude that says that no matter what happens I will continue my journey - If I lose my millions I would be able to go back to the drawing board and start all over again without any shame -or the ability  to have the emotional or psychological attitude to have things done no matter what!

6. Lifelong Learning - Knows  that you learn through having mentors and updating your knowledge through short focused courses and building a library of books where you are always learning and updating your knowledge base - I don't think there will ever be a time when the entrepreneurs says I have arrived!!

7. Don't wait to get fired - Start thinking about starting your own business now - the forecast for the economic trend would dictate that people would be  laid off - just discover your passion and set up your own sideline business - always have a business on the side - don't wait to get laid off before you start thinking about starting a business

8. New Ideas - Always explore new ideas and challenge existing norms - exploring new frontiers will always get you motivated to do the unusual - and if you are starting a business do think big and go for it!!!

9.Wealth Creation - To know that your ideas on wealth creation is what makes you wealthy and not working for somebody else - working for somebody will make you  live comfortably, but will not make you wealthy

10. Business Management - The ability to know the mechanics of business management - the functional areas like accounting, marketing, financial controls etc., that makes businesses run.

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