Wednesday, July 24, 2013



Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune. Jim Rohn

I believe that entrepreneurship is more a journey of faith than anything else. As an entrepreneur  you are preparing to think, conceive and birth an idea. You nurture  and grow the idea and believe that it is going to succeed in the future. As an entrepreneur we have a lot more going for us than we can  imagine. We can look at our natural environment and believe that we have nothing, but the intangible things we possess is real.

I believe that there are two kinds of wealth:

A. The visible  wealth

B. The Invisible wealth

The visible wealth  - is what we see around us , money, possessions,, building, building, equipment, machinery, inventories etc.

The invisible wealth - is what sometimes we discount - Time, relationships, position, knowledge, reputation, intelligence, religion, philosophy, experience, education, ideas, heritage, talents, discipline, habits etc.

These invisible wealth are as important as the visible wealth. It is crucial that we view them as purposeful to accomplish our goals.
Here are the ten entrepreneurial took kits that are essential for the success of the entrepreneur.

1. Your mind - given to you at birth free and clear of any obligation

2. Good health - we take it for granted, but what  can we accomplish without it?

3. God given talents - you have some talents that are uniquely yours - use them to accomplish your goals

4. Honesty and integrity - you increase your chances of success by operating in integrity and honesty

5. Your loved ones - don't take them for granted - try to involve them in your enterprise

6. You can see, hear, touch, smell, feel - your senses are functioning - be gratefull

7. You have network and connections - you can use them strategically to get the word about your enterprise

8. You can build momentum - momentum is an intangible asset, but it is very crucial to success - it is an
 unseen force that we conjure up at the start of an enterprise that we nurture and grow. We have to continue to harness the momentum as it propels us to new heights. As somebody said "first build your wave and ride it"

9. A prosperous nation - Live in one of the most prosperous nation on earth with everything else that goes with it

10. A free  enterprise system - A thriving and a dynamic free enterprise system the world have ever  conceived

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