Are You A Deal
Maker? The Ten Characteristics of A Successful Deal Maker
I have always considered myself a
deal maker. Modeling myself after some of the deal makers that I know in the real estate investment and business world.
After careful studies and my own experiences as a business owner, real estate investor
and entrepreneur here are the ten traits that I have been able to identify.
1. Passion - Deal makers bring a passion
and a commitment to a deal - It is very important that you love what you do and
I will carry you through all the difficult times. For example, Sir Richard
Branson of the Virgin Group: I have observed that although a very busy
executive, he has a passion for what he does and always carves out time to
write a blog, tweet and interact with his followers.
2.Integrity - Allows people to do business
with you because you are a man of your word
3. Know The Rules of The Game - Whether you are in the stock
market, real estate investment, or the commodities market you have to know the
rules of the game. The rules make a difference on how you structure - is it a
cash out deal or cash flow deal?
4. Return On Investment - Important to know the return
on your investment to measure the effectiveness of the capital you are
5. Learn To Use Leverage - Deal makers employ
leverage" Leverage of time, Leverage of People and Leverage of Money. The
ability to leverage your resources would expand your assets exponentially.
6. Investment Is Not Emotions,
Just Numbers
- The numbers tell a story in a deal. If the numbers are right and you have
conducted your due diligence, just go ahead and make a deal!!
7. Ride The Winners And Cut The
Losers - If
a piece of investment is not doing right make an effort to sell it and cut your
losers. This would happen in your deal making process and you just have to get
use to it because you are not going to win all the time. There are times when
you are going to make some mistakes and I don't care how seasoned an investor
you are!!
8. Know Your Niche - Somebody said "There are
riches in niches" Defining your niches means that you have specific
properties or businesses that you are buying and selling. You know the
characteristics and profile of your buyers. There is a target market you are
9. Know The Timing - In investment timing is
everything. You have to know when to buy and when to sell. When the opportunity
presents itself you have to act quickly. Do not fall prey to a syndrome call
"analysis paralysis" where you analyze a deal so much that you are
unable to act.
10. Take Action - When the time is ripe you have
to act quickly.
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